Programs and Contact

Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)

The Academic Center for Excellence is a university learning center focused on helping students develop the study skills and successful habits that are necessary in a large research university and valued by future employers. ACE offers peer tutoring, course-based tutoring, group tutoring, math drop-in tutoring, and study skills tutoring.

Main ACE Site  • Tutoring  • ACE Contact Information • Personal Academic Consultations 


Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE)

The CARE Tutoring & Computer Lab provides encouragement and support that will enhance each students' academic success. The Lab provides academic support in small groups and individualized sessions. Lab services include: drop-in tutoring, study rooms, and a computer lab. The CARE Lab is prepared to assist any enrolled student at FSU.

CARE Tutoring Lab Website 


Reading-Writing Center (RWC)

The Florida State University Reading-Writing Center and Digital Studio offers support to all FSU students working on written or multimodal projects. Reading-Writing Center and Digital Studio consultants get to know students, their writing, and their digital projects; we act as a practice audience, make suggestions, and offer support at every stage of the writing and designing process from brainstorming to fine tuning. For best results, visit early and visit often.

Main RWC Site  • Schedule a Consultation  • RWC Contact Information • Digital Studio 


ACE Tutoring @ Strozier 

This is a late-night, drop-in program that focuses on core courses within chemistry, math, and physics. It is located in Strozier Library across from Starbucks, and it fills in the late-night gap on campus. This service will operate in person.


Days: Sunday through Thursday

Hours: 7pm - 11pm

Subjects: Chemistry, Math, Physics




University Housing’s mission is to provide exceptional living opportunities for students to succeed academically. Their goal is to empower and support students to reach their full potential through events, interactions, and experiences beyond the classroom.

Get more information on Academic Trainers



Alpha Chi Sigma (AXS) is a professional chemistry fraternity, which strives to further and promote interest in chemistry and the chemical profession as a whole. They offer limited tutoring in chemistry during most fall and spring semesters, and membership is open to various majors.

Get more information on AXS.



Coaches offer support based on student’s individual needs. Students who actively participate in the program average higher GPAs than their peers, are more engaged with the university, and express higher levels of satisfaction with their overall college experience.

Get more information on College Life Coaching.



RENEW (Realizing Everyone’s Need for Emotional Wellness) is an undergraduate mental health and peer-education program sponsored by Counseling & Psychological Services that provides outreach, presentations, and individual instructional sessions on emotional wellness topics.

Get more information on RENEW.